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Two Tips to Help You Get Mortgage Free Faster

By Andrew Bell

After purchasing Surfers Paradise property, you could feel on top of the world. After all, you're now a homeowner in a fantastic Australian region – the world is your oyster!

However, after the honeymoon period is over and you begin to make regular repayments to your home loan, you may start wondering if there are any ways to help speed up the overall mortgage process in order to get debt-free as fast as possible.

Pay Lump Sums

With the end of year bonuses coming up, now could be the time to consider making one large lump payment to help take a huge chunk out of your debt.

Not only will this decrease your remaining balance, but it will also help to reduce the overall amount of interest you're charged on the loan – saving you even more money in the long run.

Increase Your Repayments

If you're making your monthly repayment amounts easily, and with some extra cash to spare on the side, perhaps you might consider increasing the amount you repay each month.

It wouldn't have to be a huge increase before you started to see a difference. Even an extra $15 could help to shave months off your overall mortgage lifecycle.

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