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Summertime sales: Tips for selling Surfers Paradise property during the warmer months

By Andrew Bell

With spring well and truly upon us and summer only a few weeks away, the warmth and festivities are just on the horizon. This could be great news for owners of Surfers Paradise property, especially if you're interested in selling your slice of real estate in the Sunshine State. 

When it comes to selling property in the summertime, the fact that your selling in the Gold Coast will be one of the main attractions for many buyers from the get-go. Utilising this to your advantage is the best way to achieve a quick, satisfactory sale. Of course, there are a number of other things that can be done in the meantime to help facilitate these results – here are some tips to aid the sale of your real estate in Surfers Paradise. 

Summer is a dream for marketing purposes

The first look the majority of potential buyers will get at your home is through their laptop or smartphone screens, looking at your online property listing. Therefore, one of a vendor's main concerns should be about successfully showing off their real estate through their photo selection and property description. 

Taking advantage of the weather when taking your pictures is a top priority. Showing off your home's backyard or city view on a sunny, warm day is a great way to entice buyers. Furthermore, showing the home's orientation and the spread of light streaming into the main living areas during the day will capture the imagination and minds of anyone looking for a luxurious entertaining property. 

Because this is the first port of call for many buyers, be sure to get these photos taken professionally. This could mean asking your real estate agent to take care of them, or perhaps hiring a proper professional to really make your home pop on film. 

Highlight both the inside and outdoor areas

It can be easy as a vendor in summer to rely too heavily on the outdoor spaces and views from your home, and neglect the interior of the property. But remember: People will be spending just as much – if not more – time inside throughout the year.

Therefore, don't forget to make a case for your home as a whole. Unless you're selling your Surfers Paradise property as a holiday home for summer exclusively, holding open inspections and allowing people to gain some insight into the property's interior is equally as important as selling the summer lifestyle to them. 

Prepare the property for open inspections

Speaking of showing buyers the home, holding an open inspection is a staple of selling property all year round. Preparing the home for this means engaging all the potential buyers senses, especially when summer is in full swing. 

There are a whole range of sights, smells and sounds that come with the warmer weather that can be used to your advantage. For example, the sounds of the ocean nearby to you home are likely to work in your favour – as will the smell of freshly cut grass or trimmed flowers in your backyard. 

Therefore, putting in the effort to really display your home and highlight the best aspects of your real estate is a brilliant way to achieve the most satisfactory sale result possible. Working with the natural elements present during Australian summers will help to streamline this process – simply take some basic steps to help emphasise these aspects of your home. 

Get in touch with a local real estate agent to begin getting advice about putting your home on the market. Their insight and expertise in the area can be immensely useful when it comes to properly marketing and – ultimately – selling your slice of Surfers Paradise property. 

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