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Selling your home? Tips for finding the right real estate agent

By Andrew Bell

It's a major life decision to choose to sell your Surfers Paradise property; after all, real estate is one of the largest assets most people will own in their lifetime. So ensuring you're able to recoup on your initial investment – and, hopefully, earn a profit – is something to strive for. There are a number of different factors to take into consideration when you're looking to earn back on your home sale, but one of the most important is the choice of real estate agent. 

Think about it. Your real estate agent is the one responsible for marketing your home, using their knowledge of the local market to target different types of people, as well as acting as the first point of contact between yourself and potential buyers. A good real estate agent is essentially your embassador to the wider property market, which is why taking your time and searching for the right agent for your needs is important. 

What should you look for in a real estate agent?

This is a broad question, simply because there are a lot of good qualities to look for in an agent. The number one characteristic to consider is their experience in the industry. An agent who has been around for a long time with a proven track record – especially in your local community – is more likely to understand the small nuances of marketing your home.

Agents will pride themselves in their previous market experience, so asking them questions about their work in recent months could be something to consider. Questions about how long they've been an agent, the types of qualifications and on-going training they have, the number of clients they're currently working with, and how many homes they've sold over the last 12 months can all give you an idea of their work ethic and success. 

Another thing to consider is the agent's approach to marketing. With the multimedia nature of the world today, seeking out an agent who has a good grasp on traditional and new styles of advertising to help push your home to as many potential buyers as possible is important. 

Check out their website to see how well maintained it is, as well as to see their current property listings to gauge their approach to photography, blurb writing, and the types of features they tend to highlight. If the photos are out of focus or unflattering, and the write up is short and undescriptive, it could be worth making a pass and continuing your search – especially since a lot of people nowadays do search for property online. 

In fact, a recent survey from Slater and Gordon Conveyancing Works found that 58.5 per cent of those interviewed would do their house hunting on real estate websites, with lawyer Robert Kern stating that 68.8 per cent those aged between 35 and 44 would resort to online searches. 

"House hunting can be time consuming and a lot of us don't have much spare time. By getting a sense online of what's out there people can narrow the field and decide what they want to see and where," said Mr Kern in a 23 January statement. 

Finally, good communication skills are an essential aspect of selling your real estate in Surfers Paradise. A charismatic real estate agent is someone who will be able to draw in buyers and help win them over during open inspections and negotiations. By sitting down and speaking with them, you should be able to get a good idea of their communication skills. 

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