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Feng shui made simple

By Andrew Bell

Your Surfers Paradise property should be a place of relaxation and positive energy. Achieving balance in your home is made easy through the principles of feng shui, and is less complex than you’d think.

What is feng shui?

Feng shui is a Chinese practice that has existed for thousands of years, and is based around the relationship between humans and their living spaces. Within feng shui, it’s believed that you can place your home and the items within it to allow the natural flow of energy. Creating a positive and open flow of energy combines both de-cluttering and rearranging and isn’t too hard to achieve. Here are our tips to bring positive energy into different parts of the home.

1. Kitchen

The kitchen is a place for nourishment and provision, not only from food, but family care and unity. For this reason, it’s important that your kitchen maintains a balance of harmony. A common feng shui practice is to make sure that you keep hot cooking appliances – including kettles, rice cookers or microwaves – away from the sink, or at least not opposite beside it. This is because sinks are representative of water, and cooking appliances hold fire energy. This can create a tense environment due to the proximity of water and fire signs – creating space between the two can avoid generating negative energy.

2. Bathroom

Water is representative of wealth and prosperity in ancient Chinese tradition. Therefore, keeping your water sources contained is a big part of effective feng shui. Make sure the lid to your toilet is kept down when it’s not being used, close shower doors, and shut the door to the bathroom to keep your water in one place.

3. Living room

A social area, the living room is a place associated with relationships and bonding. The arrangement of your furniture should foster social interaction, and not close any party off from participation. Chairs should face each other, and allow for comfort – think cosy throws and soft cushions. Positioning your main couch against a wall is supposed to bring supportive vibes into a room. The placement of your items could bring a little extra luck, too – placing a floor lamp in the corner of the room, diagonally from the entry point is said to welcome wealth energy.

4. Bedrooms

It’s no surprise that the bedroom needs to be a place perfect for winding down at the end of the day, however, depending on your methods of doing so, you might need to change some habits. A big part of feng shui is reducing the presence of electronics in the bedroom – especially when it comes to where the kids’ sleep. Too many electronics can create an electromagnetic field within the space, which disrupts the flow of positive energy. This doesn’t mean throwing away your lamps in favour of candles – perhaps opt to charge your phone away from your bed, or watch your late night Netflix in the lounge, rather than under the covers.

Symmetry is synonymous with harmony, and this should be reflected in the bedroom. Having two bedside tables with matching table lamps can help create the illusion of balance, granted the bed is easily accessible on both sides. Part of feng shui is decreasing clutter – take time to sort through old belongs using the KonMari method, which advices people to ditch items that no longer spark joy.

5. Office

Your office is a place of productivity, so the layout of your space needs to reflect this. Under feng shui principles, you should place your desk in what’s known as a “commanding” position – your desk should be far from the door – ideally diagonally from it – to attract successful energies to your work space. Clear air quality and natural light are fundamental to good feng shui. Bringing in a couple of air cleaning plants and keeping the curtains open can bring positive energy into the space, and may help in boosting your productivity.

Looking for a new Surfers Paradise property to call home? Get in touch with the team at Ray White Surfers Paradise for a friendly consultation.

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