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Andrew Bell’s Market Update: First Look Into The Event 2017

Issue 1   |   January 5th, 2017  |  First Look Into The Event 2017

A very, very happy New Year to you, in what will be an exciting year here on the Gold Coast. It is our last full year of build-up towards the Commonwealth Games in April 2018. We are just over one year away from the biggest event, in Queensland, since the last time we hosted the games in 1982. To have it here, on the Gold Coast, is nothing short of spectacular.

The Gold Coast is in the strongest position it has been in its lifetime. We are excited to see how the international spot light will shape our city moving forward. The effects on tourism and, of course, the flow on effects to real estate.

We currently believe to have the largest number of visitors ever visiting us, at one time on the Gold Coast. Added to the permanent population right now, there is more people on the Gold Coast right now than at any other time in it’s history. As the leading real estate company here on the Gold Coast we are thrilled, once again, to be hosting the biggest real estate marketing event in the nation’s calendar. The Event 2017 will showcase over 100 properties which have been offered for sale, via auction. There is something for everyone and for those looking to buy you could not be picking a better market to be part of, with so much promise and upside. We are here at your disposal and we would be delighted to assist you in any possible way with your real estate enquiries.

Have a good look at our list of properties here, please feel welcomed to inspect at our open homes, but at a minimum, view our videos and contact our sales representatives for further information.

May I remind you about one amazing and unique opportunity I mentioned just before Christmas. For the month of January, only through our office, the cheapest interest rate you will ever find in Australia at an amazing 3.49% (more information here). This is a rate never before been seen anywhere in Australia and as we are at the bottom of the interest rate cycle, will never be obtainable again. Please do not miss out on the opportunity of either buying a property with this amazing rate or indeed refinancing. For more information contact our real estate hotline, with the details shown on screen, and we will connect you to one of our brokers.

Grab a copy of this Saturday’s Gold Coast Bulletin to look at an array of spectacular properties but also go through the list of properties attached to see which one best suits your needs.

Happy New Year and let’s make it a great one for the Gold Coast.

Stay Safe.

Kind regards,
Andrew Bell, OAM
Chief Executive Officer
The Ray White Surfers Paradise Group


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