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5 home improvements to increase your property’s value

By Andrew Bell

If you are considering selling your home in the near future, you probably understand that it’s important to make sure your entire property is as presentable as possible before you host a single showing. That way, you can help ensure you get more interest — and potentially a higher price — when your home goes to market.

The following suggestions can help you get there:

1) Go for curb appeal

You only get one chance to make a great first impression, and you home has to wow would-be buyers as soon as they arrive. Home Beautiful pointed out that it’s a good idea to make sure both the exterior of your home and the yard itself are in great shape and ready to welcome visitors.

Often, that can mean touching up at least some of your home — such as the window trim or front door, if not the entire facade — with a fresh coat of paint, as well as getting more than a little landscaping done. On the latter front, even something as simple as planting a few young trees can really make your yard look more impressive.

2) Replace hardware in the kitchen and bathroom

While you might be thinking about redoing the kitchen or bathroom in whole or in part, that’s often a costly undertaking that doesn’t necessarily provide a great return on your investment, in terms of either time or money. A simple change that can make a bigger difference than you might think is by swapping out all the knobs or handles on drawers, cabinets and doors in these rooms, even if you change nothing else.

3) Go energy-efficient

People today like efficient homes for a number of reasons including, of course, their lower impact on the environment. Money Crashers recommended going through your home and finding ways to improve energy efficiency, such as with low-flow toilets and other “green” appliances, can be a big selling point to modern home buyers. This may take some investment, but it can often pay for itself to some extent, for both you and whoever buys the house.

4) Repaint inside

Just as it can be a good idea to repaint some or all of your home’s exterior, the same idea applies for your home’s interior — but for a different reason, according to Homelight. While you may want to create a bold impression for would-be buyers as they first arrive, the thing with your home’s interior is that it will soon become their home’s interior, and they want to be able to picture themselves there. As such, repainting the walls in neutral colours, rather than the more personalised options you’ve lived with for years, is always a good idea.

5) Add a fence

A little privacy can be more important to some shoppers than you might know, and adding a fence that gives them a little more of it will help sell your home quickly. This, too, can be a costly and time-consuming process, but it can help your home sell that much more quickly.

Any time you are thinking of selling your property — but especially if you have never done so before — it’s important to have an experienced real estate professional by your side every step of the way. At Ray White Surfers Paradise, we’ve been through countless sales with both buying and selling clients, and can help ensure you have the best possible experience, and get the best price you can. Get in touch with us today to learn more about what we can do for you.

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