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3 tips for better real estate relationships

By Andrew Bell

The relationship between parties in any real estate agreement is one that calls for careful nurturing and clear communication. Whether you're a landlord, renter, buyer or seller, unanswered phone calls and late responses can be frustrating.

Making your message heard – and getting your way – is all about communicating effectively in a manner that works for both parties. Here are some tips for Gold Coast real estate relationships. 

1. Do your part

Maybe you've heard the saying, 'you attract more flies with honey than you do with vinegar' – this is true with any business relationship.

It's pretty straightforward: if you do your part, the other party may be more likely to do theirs in a speedy and efficient manner. So, make sure you always:

  • Respond to messages as soon as possible – even a quick email to say that you can't answer the question yet will let the other person know you've heard them.
  • Take action when asked and report back. For example, if a tenant asks you to arrange for a non-urgent repair, do so and keep them informed of any delays, complications or results.
  • Give them space. Of course it helps to stay in touch – but too much communication is also a problem.

This is particularly important at the start of a new relationship, as the first few months will set the stage for the rest of your tenancy. 

2. Get to the point

No one likes a rude and abrupt message. "Could you please get back to me about this month's power bill?", for example, sounds a whole lot better than, "What's the story with the electricity anyway?"

But while it's important to be polite, you also want to make sure your words aren't clouded with unnecessary formalities. When dealing with another party, make sure your message is clear and straightforward. This improves your odds of getting the answer you're looking for.

It might also help to outline the solution you're after, so the other party knows how to approach the situation.

3. Follow up in writing

If you feel like you're always playing phone tag with, it might help to do away with the phone! When you start working with a new tenant, agent or landlord, ask them how they prefer to communicate. Phone calls, for example, might not be enough if they're regularly on-the-road. An email or text message might be more suitable. 

How you communicate is up to you, but it's always a good idea to follow up in writing – particularly about important issues like ending a tenancy or buying a home. 

At Ray White Surfers Paradise, we understand that communication is key to any successful relationship. To work with agents who know how to reach the best outcomes reach out or drop into one of our offices today

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