Sell with Confidence
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Naoko Arase

Management Rights Sales

In my first career I held the position of Investors Relations Manager with one of the prominent Japanese global investment banking institutions. My role focused on matching institutional investors with investment opportunities in multinational
corporations, a position which requires in-depth investigations and understandings of numerous attributes from both potential parties in each individual circumstance, these include expectations, preferences, requirements, and magnitudes of investments, among many others. 

I was also the head organiser of the Investment Conference, which is held annually in various financial hubs around the globe. I led a team in overseeing every aspect of these annual 3 days exhibitions, including preparations of venues and guest lists, invitations of speakers who typically are officers of listed multinational corporations and government ministers, coordination of travels and accommodations of these speakers and guests, and arrangements of the schedules for the event. 

My career has enabled me to develop strong proficiencies in multiple aspects of professional marketing, and the abilities to identify and detect perspectives of different parties to transactions. It has also sharpened me in the skills of organisations. I believe that with the possessions of this valuable
knowledge I would have solid foundations from which to propel my venture.

I have owned the management right and managed over 110 properties at one point, and constantly maintained 100% lease occupancy rate. Enjoyed hands-on management of tenants’ affairs and tenancy related matters also organise social and seasonal events for residential complexes, creating positive impacts on the promotion of the building. 

I have also experience as a Business Broker and my core capacity as a broker has given me solid training and prolonged experiences in interacting with people in all respects, the abilities to build trusts and maintain long term relationships with individuals, and to constantly maintain a client-focused mindset.

With multicultural experience, I am fluent in Japanese, English and Chinese (Cantonese and a bit of Mandarin). I like to meet new people and learn new cultures. 

イギリスで大学留学し、香港にて日系の証券会社で勤務、ゴールドコーストではマネージメントライトを購入、運営、またビジネスブローカー としてビジネスの売買に携わることの経験を活かし、違う言語で多々の業種、言語、文化のお客様と繋がり、数々の業績を残すことが出来ました。マネージメントライトのみならず、プロジェクト、土地開発などお世話が出来ることを楽しみにしております。お気軽にお問い合わせください。

